English Español (Spanish)

Plastic surgery is a great option for those looking to enhance their physical apearance, in turn, creating a postive image and confidence in themselves. Having plastic surgery can cause postive changes for you and the people around you ona permanent basis. It is important to have realistic expectations when deciding to undergo any type of procedure. Understanding basic facts is a great way to prepare yourself.

Reconstructive Surgery

Patients may undergo plastic surgery as a result of a birth defect. Deformities such as a cleft lip and jaw deformities are only a small example of reasons that patients may visit a plastic surgeon for improvement. Having a physicial deformity can have both physcological and social reprucussions.  

Patients that have suffered from extreme accidents are also candidates fro reconstructive surgery. Breast cancer victims that have lost breast tissue often seek the help pf a plastic surgeon to return to their normal lives before their diagnosis.

The second type is cosmetic surgery. Procedures of this type are meant to enhance the appearance, shape or contour of a body part over which a patient may be dissatisfied. Many patients that seek liposuction find they cannot get rid of undesired fat in specific areas with diet and exercise alone. A large nose or protruding ears can also easily be corrected.

Candidates for Surgery

Not everyone is a candidate for plastic surgery. A good surgeon can help you find out if you are fit to undergo a procedure. Assessment would typically involve looking into your medical history and determining if you are ready for a plastic surgery procedure. Good candidates are generally healthy individuals that have a clear desired goal.

Cosmetic procedures are meant only to enhance but not dramatically change one’s appearance. Your surgeon may not recommend getting plastic surgery if you are mentally obscured or severely depressed. Patients that are not in a clear mental state may not be satisfied with results froma physical enhancement.